sabato 22 dicembre 2012

Un'intervista in inglese

Tutto nasce da un'idea di Michael Gregorio (www.michaelgregorio.it): dieci domande, tre scrittori. O quattro.
Le domande sono in inglese, e le risposte pure.
Ogni volta che si risponde, si passa la palla ad altri tre o quattro autori e li si segnala sul proprio sito.
Facile, no?
Il dinamico duo italo inglese (formato, per chi non lo sapesse, da Mike Jacob e Daniela De Gregorio) ha risposto e nominato me, Maurizio De Giovanni, Jadel Andreetto e Luca Poldelmengo.
Ecco le mie risposte! Le mie nominations, con l'anno nuovo! Se amici e colleghi scrittori volessero prendere parte all'iniziativa, non hanno che da fare un fischio. La mail è sempre la solita: simonesarasso@tiscali.it
Buon letture, gente!

1)      What is the working title of your next book?

2)      Where did the idea come from for the book?

From the first words that Silvio Berlusconi said on national TV when he decided to start messing up with my beloved country politics, back in 1994: “L’Italia è il Paese che amo…” (Italy is the country I love).

3)      What genre(s) does your new book fall under?

It’s definitely a crime novel.

4)      Which actors would you choose to play the parts in a movie rendition?

Good question. Christian De Sica, a well known funny Italian actor, should be a perfect Andrea Sterling (a terrorist, a sadist, a killer and a secret agent); John Travolta for Domenico Incatenato, the good guy, would be a great choice. And Scarlett Johansson is the ONLY choice for Ljuba Marekovna, the girl (innocent model, porn star, member of Italian Parliament).
5)      What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

Welcome to the COUNTRY I LOVE, were the good guys and the bad ones have no fuckin' mercy.

6)      Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I’m represented by an agency since I became a pro writer, a couple of years ago.

7)      How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

Almost two years. 

8)      What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
James Ellroy’s American Tabloid and Don Winslow’s The power of the dog.

9)      Who or what inspired you to write this book?
The work of James Ellroy, in particular his Underworld USA Trilogy.

10) What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
Tons of sex, ultraviolence and suspence. What else, dude?